We enjoy making bird feeders in our classes for part of the RSPB Big Garden Bird Watch or just for Winter in general to feed those hungry birds but finding a bird feeder idea that is not only nut free but Vegan friendly too can be a nightmare so we came up with this one that the birds love and the little ones love to make too!

To make these yourself you will need the below:
* Pine cones (big open ones are best),
* A brown banana, (this is a great way to use up one that would be binned otherwise)
* Bird food = Bird seeds, uncooked oats, fruit,
* Scissors,
* String/raffia,
* Bowls,
* Spoon/fork (optional)

1) Cut and tie pieces of string/raffia around the pine cones so that they can hang up in trees when finished.
2) Mash the banana with a spoon/fork or fingers!
3) Add the bird food such as seeds, oats and fruit (we used cranberries) to the banana mush and mix together.

4) Use the spoon/folk again or just fingers we found worked easiest for this step, and push the mix into the open gaps of the pine cone.
5) You are ready to hang on a tree. We froze ours to give it a bit of firmness before being hung outside but you don't need to do this step.

Then enjoy watching the birds come to the feeder and when all of the bird mix has gone you could always top it up again.
We would love to know how you get on with this nut free and Vegan bird feeder recipe so don't forget to tag us @NatureMakers on Instagram or Facebook and we can share your makes.